Et stort antall politikere snakker om skatterduksjoner og avbyråkratisering - før de blir valgt. Etter valget derimot får pipen gjerne en helt annen lyd; svært få har gjennomført slike ting, dessverre. Resultatet ser vi i stagnasjon og forfall.
Men som et resultat av Tea-Party-bevegelsen i USA er det nå kommet en senator som forslår merkbare kutt. Han navn er Rand Paul, og han foreslår kutt som vil være et godt første skritt i den deregulering og stryking av frihet som må komme for at USA skal kunne reise seg igjen etter det vanstyre som USA har vært utsatt for de siste tiår.
La oss først nevne at de to siste år har Demokratene øket de offentlige utgiftene med 27 %. Slikt er alltid ødeleggende for økonomien, og vi ser jo dette i USAs økonomi, med konkurser og arbeidsløshet. Svart mange av de gamle republikanerne støttet alle forslag som lå til grunn for denne utgiftsøkningen. Det burde ikke overraske noen at Tea-Party-bevegelsen vokste opp som en protest mot dette. Men heller ikke fremveksten av Tea Party har ført til at de gamle republikanere er blitt mer forsiktige med å ønske å opprettholde skatte. Og reguleringsnivået, og å strø om seg med penger til sine favoriserte pressgrupper.
En av de republikanerne som har støttet disse økningene, Paul Ryan, har nå, for å komme Tea-Party-folkene i møte, foreslått reduksjoner på hele 0,8 %. Ryan har forøvrig stemt for de sist års budsjetter, budsjetter som har øket de offentliges utgifter med ca 50 %. Men denne kursomleggingen er null verd.
Men Rand Paul, derimot, han foreslår å kutte hele 500 milliarder USD (av et budsjett på $3830 milliarder), en andel som man nok kan si er merkbart høyere enn Ryans 0,8 %. Han har listet opp hvilke tiltak som skal miste eller få redusert sine overføringer, og forslaget inkluderer å eliminere en rekke offentlige byråkratier.
Vi siterer fra Pauls artikkel om dette i WSJ:
”After Republicans swept into office in 1994, Bill Clinton famously said in his State of the Union address that the era of big government was over. Nearly $10 trillion of federal debt later, the era of big government is at its zenith.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, this will be the third consecutive year in which the federal government is running a deficit near or greater than $1 trillion. The solution to the government's fiscal crisis must begin by cutting spending in all areas, particularly in those that can be better run at the state or local level. Last month I introduced legislation to do just that. And though it seems extreme to some—containing over $500 billion in spending cuts enacted over one year—it is a necessary first step toward ending our fiscal crisis.
My proposal would first roll back almost all federal spending to 2008 levels, then initiate reductions at various levels nearly across the board. Cuts to the Departments of Agriculture and Transportation would create over $42 billion in savings each, while cuts to the Departments of Energy and Housing and Urban Development would save about $50 billion each. Removing education from the federal government's jurisdiction would create almost $80 billion in savings alone. Add to that my proposed reductions in international aid, the Departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and other federal agencies, and we arrive at over $500 billion.
My proposal, not surprisingly, has been greeted skeptically in Washington, where serious spending cuts are a rarity. But it is a modest proposal when measured against the size of our mounting debt. It would keep 85% of our government funding in place and not touch Social Security or Medicare. But by reducing wasteful spending and shuttering departments that are beyond the constitutional role of the federal government, such as the Department of Education, we can cut nearly 40% of our projected deficit and at the same time remove thousands of big-government bureaucrats who stand in the way of efficiency.
Examples of federal waste are more abundant than ever. For example, the Department of Energy's nuclear-weapons activities should be placed under the purview of the Department of Defense. Many of its other activities amount to nothing more than corporate handouts. It provides research grants and subsidies to energy companies for the development of new, cleaner forms of energy. This means nearly all forms of energy development here in the U.S. are subsidized by the federal government, from oil and coal to nuclear, wind, solar and biofuels. These subsidies often go to research and companies that can survive without them. This drives up the cost of energy for all Americans, both as taxpayers and consumers.
The Commerce Department is another prime example. Consistently labeled for elimination, specifically by House Republicans during the 1990s, one of Commerce's main functions is delivering corporate welfare to American firms that can compete without it. My proposal would scale back the Commerce Department's spending by 54% and eliminate corporate welfare.
My proposal would also cut wasteful spending in the Defense Department. Since 2001, our annual defense budget has increased nearly 120%. Even subtracting the costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, spending is up 67%. These levels of spending are unjustifiable and unsustainable. Defense Secretary Robert Gates understands this and has called for spending cuts, saying "We must come to realize that not every defense program is necessary, not every defense dollar is sacred or well-spent, and more of everything is simply not sustainable." …
A real discussion about the budget must begin now—our economy cannot wait any longer. For 19 months, unemployment has hovered over 9%. After a nearly $1 trillion government stimulus and $2 trillion in Federal Reserve stimulus, the Washington establishment still believes that we can solve this problem with more federal spending and the printing of more money.
That's ridiculous, and the American people have had enough.
Many in Washington think that a one-year, $500 billion spending cut is too bold. But the attendees at the newly formed Senate Tea Party Caucus say, "Bring on the cuts! And then, bring on more!" My Republican colleagues say they want a balanced-budget amendment. But to have any semblance of credibility we must begin to discuss where we will cut once it passes. My proposal is a place to start” (sitat slutt).
Skal USAs økonomi, og derved verdens økonomi, komme på fote igjen må man i større grad la de som produserer godene bli belønnet for det. Høye skatter, som er å ta mye av belønningen fra de som produserer og gi til folk som ikke produserer, vil føre til lavere produksjon, noe som er veien bort fra velstand.
Å redusere skatter og overføringer er det eneste man kan gjøre for å få verdensøkonomien på rett kjøl igjen. Vi håper at Pauls forslag blir vedtatt, og at det vil følges opp, og at det vil vise vei for alle andre.
Hvis dette ikke skjer vil fattigdom og uro bli stadig vanligere over hele verden.