14. mars er den internasjonale dagen for for­sva­r av fra­falne og blasfemikere

CEMB - Coun­cil of Ex-Muslims of Bri­tain - har i den anled­ning sendt ut denne pressemeldingen, som DLF stiller seg bak:

“14 March 2013: Inter­na­tio­nal Day to Defend Apo­sta­tes and Blasphemers

Count­less indi­vi­duals accu­sed of apos­tasy and blasphemy face threats, impri­son­ment, and exe­cution. Blasphemy laws in over 30 countries and apos­tasy laws in over 20 aim pri­ma­rily to rest­rict thought, expres­sion and the rights of Mus­lims, ex-Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

On 14 March 2013, we, the under­sig­ned, call for an inter­na­tio­nal day of action to defend apo­sta­tes and blasphe­mers world­wide by high­ligh­ting ten cases though there are count­less more.

Alex Aan, Indo­ne­sia: 30 year old atheist, in pri­son for blasphemy for say­ing there is no god on Face­book. Sign Petition Here.

Abdul Aziz Moham­med Al-Baz (also known as Ben Baz), Kuwait: Blog­ger and atheist char­ged with blasphemy. Sup­port him here.

Turki Al Hamad, Saudi Ara­bia: Nove­list in pri­son for Twe­ets cri­ti­cal of Islam and Isla­mism. Write Let­ter Here!

Raif Badawi, Saudi Ara­bia: Char­ged with apos­tasy for set­ting up a web­site that “harms the pub­lic order and vio­la­tes Isla­mic values”. Sign Petition.

Asia Bibi, Pakis­tan: 45 year old Chris­tian mot­her of five, sent­en­ced to death for blasphemy for ‘insul­ting Mohammad’. Join Save Asia Bibi Face­book Page Here.

Hamza Kash­gari, Saudi Ara­bia: 23 year old Mus­lim char­ged with blasphemy for Twe­eting about Mohammad and women’s sta­tus. Sign Petition Here andHere.

Saeed Malekpour, Iran: Sent­en­ced to death for ‘insul­ting and desecra­ting Islam’. Join Free Saeed Malekpour Face­book Page Here.

Sha­hin Najafi, Iran: A death fatwa for apos­tasy has been issued by Ira­nian cle­rics against Sha­hin Najafi living in Ger­many for a song cri­ti­cal of an imam.Support Sha­hin Here.

Ahmad Rajib, Bang­la­desh: The well-known 35 year old atheist blog­ger had his head hacked apart with a machete one day after atten­ding anti-Islamist pro­tests in Bangladesh.

Alber Saber, Egypt: The atheist blog­ger has been sent­en­ced to three years in pri­son for blasphemy. Sup­port Him Here.

We urge the pub­lic to mark this day by taking action in sup­port of the many women, men and even child­ren lan­guish­ing in pri­son or on death row.

We must never for­get them.

Take action on 14 March to high­light this into­le­rable situa­tion, inclu­ding by Twe­eting, sig­ning a petition, wri­ting a let­ter of pro­test, dra­wing a pic­ture, taking a photo, making a video – any­thing at all to defend free expres­sion and thought and the many whose lives are at stake.

Mina Ahadi, Inter­na­tio­nal Com­mittee against Sto­ning and Exe­cution, Ger­many
Naza­nin Afshin-Jam, Pre­si­dent and co foun­der, Stop Child Exe­cutions, Canada
Sue Cox, Sur­vi­vors Voice Europe, UK
Richard Dawkins, Scien­tist and Atheist, UK
Car­los A. Diaz, Pre­si­dent, Atheist Alli­ance Inter­na­tio­nal, Argen­tina
Michael De Dora, U.N. Repre­sen­ta­tive, Cen­ter for Inquiry, USA
Sonja Egge­rickx, Pre­si­dent, Inter­na­tio­nal Huma­nist and Ethi­cal Union, Bel­gium
Sun­das Hoorain, Human Rights Lawyer, Pakis­tan
Sikivu Hutch­in­son , Edi­tor, blackfemlens.org, USA
Darina al Joundi, Wri­ter and Actress, France
Harold Wal­ter Kroto, 1996 Nobel Prize win­ner in Che­mis­try, USA
Ronald Lind­say, Pre­si­dent, Centre For Inquiry, USA
Marieme Helie Lucas, Secu­la­rism Is A Women’s Issue, France
Houzan Mah­moud, Inter­na­tio­nal Repre­sen­ta­tive, Orga­ni­sai­ton of Women’s Free­dom in Iraq, UK
Maryam Nama­zie, Spo­ke­s­per­son, Coun­cil of Ex-Muslims of Bri­tain, One Law for All and Equal Rights Now, UK
David Nicholls, Pre­si­dent, Atheist Foun­da­tion of Aust­ra­lia, Aust­ra­lia
Michael Nugent, Chair, Atheist Ire­land, Ire­land
Fari­borz Pooya, Iran Secu­lar Society, UK
Anthony B Pinn, Aca­de­mic, USA
Gita Sah­gal, Centre for Secu­lar Space, UK
Terry San­der­son, Pre­si­dent, Natio­nal Secu­lar Society, UK
Nina San­kari, Pre­si­dent, Euro­pean Femi­nist Ini­tia­tive, Poland
Sohaila Sha­rifi, Women’s Rights Cam­paig­ner, UK
Esam Shoukry, Orga­niza­tion for Secu­la­rism and Civil Right in Iraq, Canada
Annie Sugier, Pre­si­dent, Ligue du Droit Inter­na­tio­nal des Fem­mes, France
Jacek Tabisz, Pre­si­dent, Polish Ratio­na­list Society, Poland
Peter Tatch­ell, Human Rights Cam­paig­ner, UK
Ibn War­raq, Wri­ter, USA

(Please add your name or action in the com­ments sec­tion on the CEMB web­site and the list will be updated with your details on a regu­lar basis until 15 March 2013.)


1. Join the Coun­cil of Ex-Muslims of Bri­tain at its upcoming events. On 15 March, there is a Mus­li­mish launch in Chi­cago; evening drinks with Sudanese atheist Nahla Mah­moud on 22 March in Lon­don; 24 March Now­rooz Party in Man­ches­ter; and a meet-up for apo­state refugees and asylum seek­ers on 26 March in Lon­don. Find out more here.

2. See the CEMB’s latest state­ment against sex segre­ga­tion at an Islamist-organised event at UCL. The uni­ver­sity ban­ned the group IERA from hol­ding future events on its pre­mi­ses. More infor­ma­tion is avai­lable here.

3. Read Maryam Namazie’s most recent speech at Bir­ming­ham University’s Rea­son Week on Apos­tasy and Free­dom of Con­science and watch her inter­view on shou­ting atheism from every rooftop.

4. See the latest media cover­age, inclu­ding a piece in the Wash­ing­ton Post about Mus­li­mish and Maryam’s inter­view with the Thin­king Atheist.

5. To donate to the impor­tant work of the Coun­cil of Ex-Muslims of Britain,click here.

6. For more infor­ma­tion:
Maryam Nama­zie
Coun­cil of Ex-Muslims of Bri­tain
BM Box 1919, Lon­don WC1N 3XX, UK
email: exmuslimcouncil@gmail.com
web: Coun­cil of Ex-Muslims of Bri­tain